Linked In Job Search Just Got Simple. Put Your Profile To The 30 Second Test

I’ve found an application on Linked In that is certainly new to me. It makes the job search much easier and goes well beyond the usual way of responding to ads. As the name suggests, you get right inside the advertising company and the ad itself.
Linked In Jobs Insider enables you to easily see who you are connected with for any job posted not only on Linked In, but also Monster, CareerBuilder, HotJobs, Craigslist, SimplyHired, Dice, or Vault, and like all the best job search applications, it’s free!
The way it works is you download a discrete Linked In toolbar that has just two tabs. One enables you to either update your profile or share posts with links through your groups. The second tab gives you full navigation through the channel so you can go where you need quickly, as well as turning on the Job Insider application.

The application pops up as a small column on the side of the screen and enables you to search jobs by keyword. Once you are in to the keyword search you can narrow the search down as much as you want or need to in order to come up with the jobs you are really interested in.

The search options are when Company by name, when posted, location (country or city), job function, industry, level and experience so that you can really drill down.
The list of jobs returned includes not only Linked In jobs, but also the career sites listed above. That’s a lot of coverage and opportunities.

When you get in to an individual job opportunity you get to see the full job description and company profile as well as who posted the job with a link to their profile and in-mail option. You can apply direct via the company website or via Linked In, request an introduction to the person who posted the job via one of your connections if you are not already connected with them. That is lots of ways to connect and apply from one place.

In addition, the really funky bit is that you can see who you are connected with that already works there (they could become your referer or give you help in your application.)
You even get an e-bay’esque list of similar jobs you can apply for and then if it doesn’t float your boat, a list of your connections that might be interested that you can forward the job opportunity to.

This takes a lot of the hard sourcing work out of the job hunt and enables you to take a two-way approach to applying for a job, with double the chance of getting that elusive interview. Operating within the seven job boards as well as Linked In gives great coverage across the job market. As always, the bigger and more targeted your network, the more opportunity to apply direct to the hiring manager, (You may already be on their radar) or to ask an established contact to refer you.  The best way to get referrals is to build a network of people in target companies/sectors and engage with them before you need something. People are naturally curious about the people they engage with and will look at your profile, bio or blog first off. Get these right to create the best first impression.

I really enjoyed  doing the 30 second reviews of your resumes, and I hope you found my comments useful. Although this post has passed, I will review any I receive, so keep them coming.

The 30 Second Review

This week I’m switching from resumes to profiles. if your going to be applying for jobs through Job Insider, and it is a great application, then you are going to need your Linked In profile to create a great first impression. This week I will be doing 30 second reviews of your profile. (That’s how long a recruiter will look at it before moving on.) If you want your profile reviewing, post the link in comments, subscribe to the blog either by e-mail or RSS feed and I will post a review.

If you have a blog, I’m also featuring blogs and bloggers on my other blog, The Recruiting Unblog. Head over there, subscribe and post a link to your blog, I will do the rest!

Please let me know your thoughts and how you get on with Job Insider, be social in your search.


Links Mentioned In This Post:

Free Download For  Linked In Job Insider

The Recruiting Unblog (Blog #uncarnival)

About @BillBoorman
“I have always worked in and around recruiting as a Recruiter, Trainer, Operations Director, Consultant and Coach. I have spent more than 27 years in this industry which sadly qualifies me as a veteran. (substitute old!) During this time I have worked in most markets and have been responsible for the full H.R. and Training function for a recruitment business that grew from 6 to 147 branches. I have implemented I.T systems, designed performance management and appraisal systems among most other things. Over the last 5 years I have been working as a consultant and trainer to growing recruiting firms across Europe. The last 18 months saw my introduction to social media and social recruiting. I started with 50 connections on Linked In (mostly friends) and grew from there. signing up for a twitter account in March 2009 changed everything, as I was given access to a fantastic network worldwide. In Feb 2009 I was honoured and surprised to be ranked in the HR Examiner/trakkr index as the 6′th most influential on-line recruiter in the world. Despite this accolade, I still consider myself to be very much a social media amateur (there are lots more in my network that are much wiser and cleverer. I’m now best known as @BillBoorman on twitter, and have been described a twitterholic that never sleeps, omnipresent and even a whirling dervish! (Thanks @fishdogs.) In September 2009 I attended an event in Toronto (Recruitfest 09) that had a major impact on me. This was my first stint as a track leader at an unconference. I was so taken by this open format that I brought it back to the UK and with Geoff Webb, (Radical Recruit), launched #trulondon and other #tru events. We are in the process of taking these events on a global tour stretching from london to china over the next 2 years. I love the buzz these events create, and enjoy them as much on-line as off it.

25 Responses to Linked In Job Search Just Got Simple. Put Your Profile To The 30 Second Test

  1. Matt Taylor says:

    Any and all comments you can provide are appreciated. Thanks

    • Matt Taylor says:

      Also would appreciate a resume review.

    • @BillBoorman says:

      A few comments on your profile, mostly in good order. i was confused because taylor construction is shown as your current job but your work history shows an end date. Might need tidying up and explaining via a comment on reason for leaving.
      Make the summary a bit more key-word rich, in paticular the job title of the work you are looking for. This will increase opportunities as you come up in more searches.
      Your summary could also do with a clear statement as to the job you are looking for. I can see what you’ve done, but not what you want.
      Add a downloadable resume with the application, and a slideshare presentation on what you can offer an employer, possibly with video will make you stand out.

      • Matt Taylor says:

        Thanks for taking a look and for the comments. I am surprised by the points about the current job ending date. My view shows it as 2008-Present. I will look again.
        I have also added the as advised.
        Thanks again..

  2. Bryant says:

    Sounds like an interesting tool, Bill. Unfortunately, it’s not yet available for Chrome; i abandoned IE ages ago, and even Firefox went to the wayside once I started using Chrome. Guess I’ll just have to wait and see if LinkedIn decides to expand to my platform.

    • @BillBoorman says:

      Move your contact settings to the top of your profile and add a skype or g-mail number for ease. You are currently working at Washtenshaw, is this a voluntary post or is there a reason you are looking to move that needs an explaning.
      As an employer, i’d also be concerned about your plans for your own consultancy to avoid any conflict of interest. Make this clear.
      Bring your blog higher up your profile. This tells me a lot about you.
      the word “fake” appears on your profile above interests. find out why and change it. this stuck in my head.
      Add a downloadable resume with application.
      Your posterous user guide in slideshare is a great document that will get plenty of interest. Move this higher up the profile and give it more tagging. include reference in your summary text to and share it through groups.

      • Deborah says:

        Hi Bill,

        Thanks for the tips. I’ve made some changes to my LinkedIn profile, and still have a few more to change. Good catch on the Posterous user guide, I haven’t promoted it anywhere but Twitter. Will highlight it on my blog and LinkedIn Groups.

        Checked my profile in five different browsers on three different computers and never saw the “fake” text you mentioned was displaying above “Interests.” I checked while logged into LinkedIn and also when not logged in, but can’t reproduce what you saw. Can you tell me what browser you used and whether you were logged into LinkedIn when you saw it? Thanks!

        Yes, I do work at the college; I’m not a volunteer. I was a bit confused about the recommendation that I should include why I’m looking to move. Many people are connected to work their current work colleagues on LinkedIn; it would seem to not be a good idea to announce to your colleagues and managers you are actively looking for a job. Perhaps I misunderstood something?

        Like the idea of adding a downloadable resume on Good tip Bill!

      • @BillBoorman says:

        If your currently working and looking, forget my comment on reason for leaving. you are right, best not mention it.
        The fake comment is because your twitter handle does not exist as per your profile. I viewed it in firefox.

      • Deborah says:

        Hi Bill,

        Thanks for the quick response.

        My Twitter handle does exist (I’m very active on Twitter) and it’s correct on the LinkedIn profile. I just clicked the Twitter link in LinkedIn in Firefox, Opera, and Chrome; it displays without any issue. Not sure what caused the error when you clicked the link in Firefox.

      • @BillBoorman says:

        I clicked the link, searched for it in tweetdeck and the message is on the profile. You are talking about the link next to twitter? What is your handle?

  3. Thank you for the great post! I would love any feedback on my LinkedIn profile

    I really appreciate it!

    • @BillBoorman says:

      some feedback for you. Move contact tab to the top, drag and drop in the edit function.
      The mention of Red Bull Energy Hat pricked my interest. Use this by posting a grahic or a link to a download via
      Your twitter name is wrong on your profile so this says false, not a good image.
      You have no e-mail or phone number in your contact tab, add this and move up.
      Either blog more or take the blog link out, at the moment it looks like you rarely blog. (could cause me to question commitment. not a good question in the job hunt.)
      Change your updates more often
      Add a downloadable resume using
      Given the type of work you do, use slideshare to showcase this. You can also add video from YouTube in slideshare.

  4. Kathy says:

    Would love your comments/feedback.

    • @BillBoorman says:

      Your profile leaves me a bit confused over the following:
      1) You have 2 current jobs at engage Them and Rock The Hunt. Are these part-time or why do you want to leave them? Make this clear in the profile and don’t leave questions.
      2) i can see what you do but what are you looking for? Add to summary and include in your profesional headline.
      3) What happened at BroomHuggers? It was your business. looks succesful by description so where did it go and why stop? Some explanation will help.

      Include your blog in your profile using the wordpress download.
      Add downloadable resume using
      Have a look at adding slideshare to further showcase your work.

  5. Tracey Smith says:

    Would love a review of my profile…some folks are charging big bucks for what you do so graciously…THANK YOU! I still have a list of “to dos” to update it but would love any comments of yours that I might add to that to do list!


  6. Sarah Wering says:

    I’d love feedback on my LinkedIN profile. You can find it at

  7. Sarah Wering says:

    I’d love feedback on my LinkedIN profile. You can find it at

  8. Pingback: Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog » Carnival of Human Resources

  9. Pingback: Linked In Jobs Insider For #SocialRecruiting « Norton Folgate: The Recruiting Unblog

  10. Damon Klotz says:

    Would appreciate any comments on my LinkedIn profile! Am a big fan of it and love connecting with people.

    Also if you are looking to feature blogs in this space then you can see if The HRockstar Blog is what you are looking for



  11. Michelle says:

    Hi Bill!

    I love your blog! I’m really late, but I’m going to try for help anyway. My LinkedIn profile:

    Any of your wisdom is greatly appreciated.


  12. debz says:

    Thank you for your generous offer to do a review of our LinkedIn profiles! You can find mine here:

    Thanks again!

  13. Jackie J. says:

    Hi Bill! This is such a great idea. Hope I’m not too late. My LinkedIn profile to review is and my blog is Thanks! – Jackie

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